Life is like a fast-moving train. If you've ever seen Japan's Shinkansen (a.k.a., the Bullet Train) - it can serve as a great example. There's a very good reason why it's called the bullet train - it's fast! You can sit on a bench at the station and watch it blast by you in a blur of white and blue. You can also choose to board the Shinkansen and ride along in peace and comfort at close to 200mph!
Life is a bit like that, too. If you're focused primarily on your past and/or future, it's a lot like sitting on the bench at the station. You will never be quite in the moment - instead you'll be focused on your interpretation of where you've been and where you predict you'll be going. "Boarding the train" allows you to ride along in the moment and move toward a destination effortlessly. So, while the "bench-sitter" and the "passenger" both live in the same world - and are expelling the same amount of physical energy - they each experience life in a profoundly different way. For the passenger, it is a subtle, but very dramatic shift in consciousness.
Are You Ready?
My task is to be your guide through this process. While these popular concepts can be easy to talk about intellectually, actually integrating them with your own life can be a challenge. Most of us have been programmed since childhood to look at the world in a particular way. So much so, that we tend to consider our true "selves" and our "programming" as one inseparable entity.
Through our work together, I will help you to discover the world of the "now". You will realize, through real practice, the dramatic benefits of stepping out of the continuous "replay" of your past and letting go of your "stress" over an imagined future.
The time is now...
The right time to start such an important personal journey is always now. There's an old saying - "The best time to plant a tree was 35 years ago..., The second best time is today." None of us has the luxury of stepping back in time to change our past. However, we can change how we perceive and accept past events - viewing them all ("good" or "bad") as seeds for greater personal growth.
There's a degree of "lunacy" in beating yourself up over the past - just as there is in always living in the future.
This idea of choosing to live your life sometime in the "future" is like always sitting along the tracks - watching that Bullet Train fly by you. If only you had chosen to board it, you'd have made the choice to participate in your own existence and move toward your destination of self-realization. Stop "getting ready" to do something - stop "preparing" to start - stop the endless planning, and simply begin.
There's another old saying - a Buddhist proverb you've probably heard before - "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear". If you have found your way to this site and read this far, then I encourage you to learn more - and take part in one of our online training programs.
Stephen Rinaldi
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Meditation Instructor Course
Register for the Online C.MI Program ~ Work at Your Own Pace
Certified by UHT |
The C.MI Program is an exciting and unique instructor training format. Designed as a self-paced online program, students move through the at-home study and practice requirements under the guidance of Stephen Rinaldi, C.Ht..
The Meditation Instructor Certification Program has been designed to give you the tools you'll need to be a competent instructor, helping both yourself and others down the path toward effective meditation practice. |
C.MI Graduate Testimonials
I am so thankful for Stephen Rinaldi and the C.MI program at UHT. I graduated the C.MI program a few years ago and not only did it help improve my own meditation practice, it also helped me to become a good Meditation Instructor. I started teaching Mindfulness (Vipasanna) meditation to students shortly after graduating. It’s a great addition to the other styles of meditation I have been using for 9 years. I am also a wellness coach and stress management expert and recommend Mindfulness meditation and the C.MI program to all my clients. If you sign up for this program, you will love it.
Kimberly P., C.MI.
"Before starting this course, I only expected to learn how to become a meditation instructor. But it turned out to be a great experience and a journey which I discovered so many issues about myself, some hidden subconcious misbeliefs that prevent me from going further in many areas of my life. I learned how to use meditation as a tool to transform inside. Before starting to teach meditation, I saw what I have to learn about myself first. I thank Stephen Rinaldi for lighting the way, for being a great mentor, and a wonderful teacher."
Ms. S. Arihan, C.MI.
Istanbul, Turkey
"I completed the C.MI course with UHT in January 2010. Building upon the foundations in meditation that I learned from the C.MI course I then set up my own courses for an introductory mediation class and a deeper 3 week class in meditation that prepares a student for a full meditation practice. With the knowledge and understanding gained from the course I have now taught several meditation classes out of my home and I have had great feedback from my students on the content and methods shared with them. My meditation classes allow me to share my passion for meditation and this is a wide open market for those wishing to do the same. If you have ever wanted to teach or even just learn meditation without the associated religious beliefs or yoga poses required by other avenues that teach meditation then I would highly recommend the C.MI course to you!"
Jim S.,
Vancouver, WA USA
"The carefully selected reading material probes the mind in all the right ways! Besides abling the student to become comfortable with beginner and intermediate instruction, it also provides the opportunity for deep reflection on the kind of teacher you would be! Our experiences in life, that create the people we are, differ so greatly that we must be able to look at ourselves with an honest eye to realize the unique ways in which we can connect with our students.
I Thank Stephen Rinaldi and UHT staff deeply for hastily responding to every question and providing an environment that one can feel comfortable in! If I continue in the Metaphysical field, it is no question that this is where i will be!"
Tyler B. C.MI - British Columbia, Canada
"I have taught meditation for more than 30 years and found the information and course material to be exceptional for those beginning thier path to becoming a meditation instructor. The public nowadays seem to require a "certification" to qualify anything you do, and the C.MI course and resulting certificate have most certainly fit that requirement. My student base has increased because of the C.MI certification...thank you Stephen!"
Doug L., C.MI. -
Utah, USA
Other Comments...
The following are graduate comments related to some of the courses I've taught over the past 10 years ~
"Since taking this course i am amazed at the level of awareness that I have gained. My actions are much more reflective of the kind of life I am choosing to live, and I am confident that I can use my skills in helping others in my future. I would've taken this course even if I wasn't training to be a Coach because the personal growth is priceless."
Debi J. / Michigan - USA
"Thank you, Stephen Rinaldi, for providing such a fabulous course!"
~ Krystal R., C.Ht. / California, USA ~ |
"Where do I begin?! [the] course has been an awesome experience!
I had the honour of meeting wonderful people from all over the world... Thank you everyone:-)
~ Neovi L. / Cyprus ~
"I only have words of gratitude to Stephen Rinaldi and the work he carries out in this course.
I have changed my percepcion in many areas in which I was blocked and did not know how to overcome. Now I see things in such a different way. I am greatly looking forward (and feel ready) to begin coaching others as well.
Thanks so much for this amazing course! "
~ Rocío S. / Madrid, Spain ~
To you, the future student, I know you will enjoy your time here as much as I did and you will take away tools for creating a better life for you, those you love, and those you desire to assist. Priceless!
Karen S. / Illinois, USA ~
"The value completely exceeds the cost, dont hesitate to enrol - in fact i urge it!"
~ Martin A. / Australia ~
"I have been counselling for some time now and have used my own findings from many books and programs. This put everthing into a very simplistic approach to forward on to my clients. It has also helped me enormously in re-finding my own direction as it is so easy to get lost.... I would recommend this course to anyone whether it be for personal or business purposes.
~ Olga P. - Australia ~
"Thank You, Stephen, and staff for a wonderful learning experience."
Sharon L. C. / USA ~
I found the course to be engaging and informative. But, what was most valuable to me was the experience. What I mean by that was the interaction with fellow students, the guidance and feedback from the instructor, and the growth of not only myself, but fellow students during this short course. It was exciting and fullfiling! I'm sixty years old (young), and I've participated in and conducted numerous courses in my lifetime. This ranks up there with the very best! The most important thing I take from this course is "Live a life of demonstration, change you and inspire others."
~ J. Stanford Jr ~ Texas - USA ~
"Stephen Rinaldi has been a great and caring teacher who is always willing to give very detailed responses to his students questions to make sure that they really understand the material."
~ Aaron E. ~ Indiana, USA ~
"I really enjoyed the online campus, it was a fun experience and the materials really made me think beyond my current understanding."
~ Olivia R. / Author / Mexico ~
"What I loved most about the course was it really forced me to individualize my clients. The course was filled with opportunities of growth for me as a practitioner. Sometimes we get so caught up in the work that we forget to change the recipe as needed! Thanks for the enlightenment!" ~ Veronica D. / Holistic Life Coach / USA ~
"The course was very well written and challenged me as a student to think differently. -- The material provided, cleverly pushes you to shift your awareness and deepen your understanding of the subject in hand. The videos were thought provoking, educational and enlightening, my awareness and perception and changed during my involvement in this course. I have made a number of major changes in my daily life, I feel sure as a direct result of this course. It would be difficult to attend this course and not experience some form shift in awareness and to see a positive change take place in your daily life. "
~ Douglas P. / UK ~
"This course went much deeper in understanding than I would have thought. Very helpful in developing my coaching style."
~ Malcon T., C.LAC - Tennessee, USA ~
"...I thoroughly enjoyed it. The format of this program is very engaging. Between the daily tasks and the weekly assignments, I was really forced to think and ponder on how these principles come to play in our lives. The course forum allowed for daily interactions between students and instructor. As well, the daily topics of interest made for some really interesting discussions. A well-structured program designed for those who seek to understand and apply these life changing principles in their own lives, and those who also aspire to help others."
~ Dwayne H. - Ontario, Canada ~
"Thank you for creating and offering such an amazing course. If everyone took the course, we would live in a much better world.
~ Allie P. - Alexandria, VA, USA ~